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From YouTube: André/Andrew discuss SpeedIndex, Perf, Frontend Optimisation & Serverside Rendering


Discussion follows on from the issue "Prepare on OKR for improving SpeedIndex on a benchmark of URLs compared to similar URLs on GitHub"


@andr3 (the Scalability Team's frontend counterpart) and I had a great call about this topic today:

Some points from the call:

1. Optimisations to's SpeedIndex benchmark would mostly fall on frontend teams
1. Breaking our Javascript bundles down into smaller components to reduce compile times
1. Ensuring that Javascript bundles are effectively cached between releases (ie, production deploy doesn't invalidate cache)
1. Is there more performance that we can squeeze out by taking advantage of our new Cloudflare setup?
1. Is a target SpeedIndex of 1000 a reasonable goal? @andr3 think's its possible
1. Serverside Rendering GitLab:
1. Managing frontend performance and bringing into Prometheus