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From YouTube: Sharding Brainstorming Session - 2020-04-16


We discuss different scaling approaches for GitLab, namely
* database sharding
* application sharding
* service extraction.

Internal doc with notes:

Rough timeline
0:00 Overview
3:30 Service Extraction - Concerns
5:30 Databases on the same cluster
5:58 Praefect Example
7:13 Security concerns when databases share the same schema
8:04 Container registry example
9:10 Data management concerns with single database
11:20 Replaceability of systems - modularity
16:08 What is application sharding Pros/Cons
21:13 Considerations of sharding by namespaces
28:06 What's the strategy
29:56 Management of self hosted databases
31:20 Replication
31:53 Praefect Replication concerns
35:00 Application sharding probably inevitable
36:44 Service extraction details
41:50 Distribution concerns with Service Extraction
43:30 Summary - Service Extraction next steps
48:00 Database guidance and struggles with current structure