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From YouTube: The Techy Tanuki 1.2 - Rajiv Ranjan


In this episode, we talk with Rajiv Ranjan, a student at Lovely Professional University in Samastipur, Bihar, India. Rajiv created a static website using GitLab Pages all about Anime for an anime and cartoon-themed hackathon.

Rajiv's site:
Rajiv's Repository:
Rajiv's Linkedin:

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0:00 Intro Video
1:55 Host, Pj Metz, arrives
3:41 Rajiv arrives 🥳
5:19 Lovely Professional University and the Olympics 🏋️‍♂️
8:08 Google Developer Student Club at LPU 💻
10:26 GitLab and Gitlab Pages 🕸
12:00 The Repository and the story of the Hackathon
15:15 Using CI/CD to create a static webpage
15:50 The Website
17:33 YOU'RE ON MUTE 😔 😆
21:14 Rajiv's Plans for the future
22:46 Rajiv's advice for other students
24:36 Shout outs!!
25:40 Namaskar 🙏