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From YouTube: Developer Highlights #1 - “Future proofing your subgraph with dynamic data sources”


Juanmardefago will teach us how we can utilize dynamic data sources (templates) to make our subgraph a bit more future proof. If your dApp deploys contracts using a Factory or Proxy patterns, this video will be invaluable to you! Through a practical example, you will learn to leverage templates in your own subgraph, as well as learn the limitations of this method.

00:00 Intro
03:46 Using templates
17:42 What handlers can be used?
19:43 What are the benefits of using an event handler?
28:48 Can you filter which contracts are indexed?
31:35 Using templates with proxies
32:42 What are proxies ?
35:13 What if a new datasource need data from prior blocks?
37:36 Possible workaround.

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