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From YouTube: Svelte Workshop 9 25


Svelte 101 Workshop

Join Tom Wilson of hyper63 for a 3-hour workshop learning Svelte, a web framework that provides both a great developer experience and a great user experience. Svelte is the web framework that gets out of the way, literally it is a compiler and only ships a tiny footprint to the browser. Learn a different approach to frontend development.

Learning Objectives

In this workshop you will learn to:

* use the basics of components in Svelte
* use reactivity in Svelte
* use stores for application state in Svelte
* use actions in Svelte
* do transitions
* unit testing with cypress


In order to get the best experience you should:

* be knowledgeable about JavaScript
* be knowledgeable about Web (HTML/CSS/DOM)
* be knowledgeable about git version control
* have NodeJS v12 -
* have a Code Editor -
* two monitors, one for the video feed and one for your work area

Here is the workshop github repo -

For more on Svelte check out this repo:

About the Instructor

Tom Wilson has been in the software development industry for over 25 years. Continuous learning and teaching have been a part of his journey. Since 2007, Tom has participated in the tech community hosting and running meetups and providing workshops focused on software development. In 2016, Tom launched a coding school in Charleston, SC, JRS Coding School, focused on full-stack javascript. In 2020, Tom founded hyper63; a company focused on leading engineers from beginner to expert.