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From YouTube: Member Webinar: DLT Labs & Walmart Improve Margins, Visibility & Transparency in the Supply Chain


Saving money, keeping costs down, improving profitability, these topics are at the front of every businessperson’s thoughts, especially in tough times. Businesses are doubling down on outcome goals, process goals and performance goals. Whenever two companies must share information in order to do business, there are inefficiencies and anything but perfect execution costs both money and time. Companies are built to work together, systems are not. Systems are built to work alone within each individual company.

In this talk, Neeraj Srivastava and Shannon Hamilton from a Hyperledger Member company, DLT Labs, will introduce their solution: an out of the box platform with configurable modules to solve common business process challenges. The platform integrates with IOT, AI and legacy systems and can be rapidly configured and deployed within 30 days. The use of blockchain ensures that each participant in the process knows the integrity of the data is inherently accurate, tamper-proof and up to date. This improvement to the process enables participants to forecast predictions that directly impact revenue and margins for the entire company. The innovative platform is used today, in full production, by Walmart and its national network to improve their supply chain visibility.


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