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From YouTube: Industry 4.NOW - Intelligent Assets with SAP


Industrial / manufacturing / Assets are one of the most critical components that have been purchased in order to produce services and products.

In the current scenario most of the organisations lack a clear visibility on this and thus end up doing any one of the following:

o The productive assets are lying idle and therefore all investments made are not yielding any returns
o More assets are being hired/bought in order to meet the demand while similar assets are lying idle in some other part of the organisation

Intelligent assets thus help overcome this situation and helps monitor, manage, utilize and maintain the assets

Intelligent assets also result in monitoring the preventive maintenance schedule and record all the repairs and replacements that happen to these assets. This helps adhere to the schedule and thus keep the assets healthy and make them last longer and also prepares the ground for predictive maintenance

Learn how to make you assets intelligent and get the most out of them in order to get a better ROI, productivity and efficiency