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From YouTube: Community Networks SIG - Chapterthon 2018 - Disaster Radio


Open IoT mesh routing: Decentralizing long-range packet radio networks. Disaster.Radio is a project dedicated to enabling communication in real-time disaster scenarios using solar-powered, long-range, low-bandwidth radios. The project aim is to design a mesh routing algorithm suitable for Disaster.Radio and similar hardware. Objectives are a write-up of the proposed algorithm followed by implementation. The final step will be field-testing on Disaster.Radio hardware deployed around Oakland and Berkeley.

What is a Chapterthon?
Chapterthon is a global Internet Society (ISOC) Chapters marathon, where all ISOC Chapters can participate by developing a project within a timeline and budget to achieve a common goal for the development of Internet. Once the project is finalized, the best project receives a prize.

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