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From YouTube: Airbnb on Istio



Presented at IstioCon 2021 by Weibo He & Stephen Chan

In this presentation, we will walk through Airbnb’s Istio Journey - why we needed a modern service mesh, how we vetted Istio as the solution, where we are today, the lessons we learnt along the way, and our future plans. We will cover topics including:

Airbnb’s multicluster/cell setup, problems we ran into/ideas for UX improvements
Airbnb’s upgrade setup for gradual rollout of newer versions of Istio
Airbnb’s test pipeline for vetting features we care about
How we handled k8s & mesh expansion in a consistent philosophy
How we approached migration (zero downtime, no regression)
Airbnb’s learnings/pain points/future expectation with Istio
Current areas of open discussion - come talk to us more about this