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From YouTube: Quarkus - Supersonic Subatomic Java


Dive into the next generation cloud native framework for running Java in microservice oriented cloud platforms. Quarkus focuses on developers and ease of use in modern serverless environments.
It is a Kubernetes Native Java framework tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries and standards.
A hands on overview of the Quarkus cloud native framework, what it brings to the Java ecosystem and what new concepts and design guidelines it introduces.

Demo presenting Quarkus with focus on:
- Developer joy
- Memory footprint and performance
- Reactive and imperative paradigms
- Libraries and standards

The attendances should have programming experiences with Java and some knowledge around Enterprise Java runtimes and frameworks.

The attendances will get an overview of Enterprise Java challenges in Serverless and Cloud environments and how Quarkus rises up to those challenges. The developer experience that Quarkus provides and various run modes.

Anamarija Talijanac (IBM)