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From YouTube: Kubernetes and Istio for Jakarta EE Developers | Jakarta Tech Talks - April 2019


In enterprise software, we see more and more of the cloud native technologies, especially container orchestration and service meshes, emerging and slowly taking over the market. Developers are facing the challenge which technology to choose to implement microservices for a cloud native setting. Java Enterprise has been used for software solutions for a long time and its APIs are well-established in the ecosystem. Jakarta EE aims to take over where Java EE left off. However, is it possible to develop cloud native, service-meshed Jakarta EE applications that fulfill concerns such as scalability, resiliency, and telemetry -- in an effective, manageable way?

This session shows how to implement service-meshed applications using Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. We will develop a mesh of microservices, managed by Kubernetes and Istio. We'll see why especially the Java Enterprise approach fits the concepts behind container orchestration and service meshes well. All of the time will be spent live-coding while explaining the concepts and solutions.

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