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From YouTube: Jakarta Tech Talk | Jakarta RPC: JAX-RS for RPC Services | November 9, 2021


Jakarta gRPC aims to do for Java gRPC services what JAX-RS did for REST: it makes them easier to implement, by allowing developers to annotate service classes and methods, and by generating client-side proxies automatically, based on the annotated Java interface. It also allows them to integrate and play nicely with other Jakarta specs, such as CDI and Config, which is something native, proto-based gRPC services do not do very well.

Another goal of Jakarta gRPC is to expand the ecosystem by making the services more marshaller-agnostic than they currently are. While the gRPC protocol itself, and its various implementations, including Java, are not tied to any particular serialization framework, the available tooling pretty much limits the choice to ProtoBuf, which is not always the best choice.

In this session we will cover how we plan to achieve all of the above via recently submitted Jakarta gRPC specification.