Jenkins / FOSDEM 2017

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Jenkins / FOSDEM 2017

These are all the meetings we have in "FOSDEM 2017" (part of the organization "Jenkins"). Click into individual meeting pages to watch the recording and search or read the transcript.

7 Mar 2017

Pipeline is quickly establishing itself as the direction that Jenkins jobs are going, enabling the definition of a complete CD pipeline in a single job; Pipeline as Code via the “Jenkinsfile”; job durability across master restarts; and more. I’ll be talking here about the next evolution for Pipeline that is just now hitting 1.0: a simple, declarative model to define your Pipelines with no need to write scripts. This configuration syntax for Pipeline allows you to automatically configure all stages of your pipeline, the complete build environment, post-build actions, notifications and more. All while providing syntactic and semantic validation before the build actually gets going. We'll also play with the just-released initial version of the Pipeline Editor, built to work with Declarative!
  • 1 participant
  • 45 minutes
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7 Mar 2017

Building and testing is a great use case for containers, both due to the dynamic and isolation aspects, but running in just one machine is not enough and quickly needs to scale to a clustered setup. But which cluster technology should be used? Docker Swarm? Apache Mesos? Kubernetes? how do they compare? All of them can be used to dynamically run a cluster of containers.

Building and testing is a great use case for containers, both due to the dynamic and isolation aspects, but running in just one machine is not enough and quickly needs to scale to a clustered setup. But which cluster technology should be used? Docker Swarm? Apache Mesos? Kubernetes? how do they compare? All of them can be used to dynamically run a cluster of containers.

The Jenkins platform is an example of dynamically scaling by using several Docker cluster and orchestration platforms, using containers to run build agents and jobs, and also isolate job execution.

This talk will cover these main container clusters, outlining the pros and cons, the current state of the art of the technologies and Jenkins support.

The presentation will allow a better understanding of using Docker in the main Docker cluster/orchestration platforms out there (Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos, Kubernetes), sharing my experience and helping people decide which one to use, going through Jenkins examples and current support.
  • 4 participants
  • 51 minutes
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