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From YouTube: Introduction to Jenkins 2 277 1 Mar 17, 2021


Jenkins 2.277.1 is the most recent Jenkins long term support (stable) release. It was released March 10, 2021 with breaking changes in specific areas that improve the Jenkins experience and provide foundational improvements to Jenkins internal components.

Major breaking changes include:

* Configuration Form Modernization (aka Tables-to-Divs)
* JEP-227 - Update of Acegi Security to Spring Security
* JEP-228 - Unforking XStream
* ASM Library Update
* Replacement of old system properties

Additional changes include:

* Plugin Manager Performance Improvements
* Support for specifying “Preparing to Shutdown” reasons
* New color palette in tab controls
* Performance improvements
* Dependency updates

Presentation noted that this upgrade is different than typical Jenkins LTS upgrades because it needs plugin upgrades in the same steps as the Jenkins core upgrade. Steps recommended are:

* Review the upgrade guide
* Remove unused plugins
* Update plugins before Jenkins 2.277.1 upgrade
* Upgrade to Jenkins 2.277.1
* Update plugins after Jenkins 2.277.1 upgrade

Panel discussion session with Jesse Glick, Tim Jacomb, and Félix Queiruga highlighted more details of the process upgrade process and more ways that Jenkins users and developers can have a better experience with the upgrade.

Oleg Nenashev describes the process and timeline of the Jenkins long term support releases. He notes how Jenkins weekly releases are curated and collected to a selected baseline. The baseline is augmented with additional backported changes based on issues discovered in later weekly releases.