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From YouTube: Rust, WebAssembly, and Browser Games - Justin Worthe


Say you're writing a computer game. For argument sake, you've decided not to take the easy (and much more efficient) route of using an existing game engine like Unreal or Unity. No, you've decided to write your own game engine.

Unfortunately, when choosing a programming language, you've run into a conflict! When you finally ship your game, you want to take advantage of all the high performance of running a native application. A language like Rust is an excellent fit for this. On the other hand, it will be much easier to share your game if you were to write it with web technologies and embed it in a web page, so maybe you should be writing it in JavaScript?

One way to reconcile this conflict is by using WebAssembly. In this talk, you'll see how it's done in an example of a game written in the Rust programming language, running both natively and embedded in a web browser.

You can find more of Justin at

This talk was recorded at the Jozi.JS meetup group on 19 July 2018.

Disclaimer: The opinions in this talk are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent those of this channel, the meetup group, or it’s sponsors.