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From YouTube: Building next generation web applications - Madene Marais


Offline capabilities are not normally associated with web applications, but the latest advancements in web technologies enable the development of a web application that can function regardless of the network state. In this talk, I’ll show you how we created a truly offline-first progressive web application by using modern web technologies such as Service Workers and IndexedDB.

You will learn what progressive web applications are, which characteristics make them behave and feel like mobile applications and why we chose to develop one for our client. I’ll also show you some of the techniques we used to ensure optimal performance regardless of the amount of data that was stored, what the network conditions were like, and what device it was running on. We will also cover some of the sync mechanisms that made the application fully functional even in the most remote areas of South Africa. Lastly, we will have a look at the upcoming advancements in web technologies and how this will further enhance the development of next-generation web applications.

This talk was recorded at the Jozi.JS meetup group on 23 May 2019.

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