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From YouTube: Privacy and Eleventy - Jozi.js September


Art of War - Privacy by Design
Fadzayi Chiwandire (@fadzayic)

As Sun-Tzu highlighted, "If you know the enemy and if you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
As an Organisation, Programmer, Designer, how well do you know yourself and the products you build? How well do you understand the threats your products face and how effective the security and protection measures you have put in place to safeguard your software are?
Privacy by Design ensures that good privacy practices are built into an organisation's decision-making, as well as the design and structure of products, processes, and services. The idea is to bake security and privacy measures into the code of any product from the early stages of development.
Today, organisations see cybersecurity as the responsibility of the IT department and privacy as the responsibility of the Legal Department. Applying Privacy by Design means, having a cross-functional team of Legal, Design, and IT experts working together to make sure the products the organisation is building meet all the security and privacy requirements. This helps companies shift from the fire-fighting approach to a more proactive approval, thus improving their digital resilience.

Build better websites with Eleventy
Mike Geyser (@mikegeyser)

We have lost the art of building websites. Don't get me wrong, we build for the World Wide Web all of the time. We build Apps and Components and Services and Content Management Systems, but we seldom just build websites. A surprisingly large amount of what we build can (and probably should) just be HTML, CSS and a (small) sprinkling of JavaScript. We have this stigma against building static pages, which is largely unfounded. Well, enter Eleventy, the static site generator that we deserve.

Join me as I show you how to build simple, easy, engaging websites using Eleventy. We'll look at the basic premise of the tool, as well how to customise it to suit your needs. By the end of this talk you will have a newfound respect for static websites, and be armed with everything you need to build better websites.

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