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From YouTube: Keptn Can Orchestrate Your Favorite CLOUD-NATIVE Tooling | Ep 50


Over the past years, the CNCF (Incubating project) Keptn has helped SREs and DevOps to automate SRE best practices around SLOs, Automated Testing, Automated Quality Gates, Automated Deployment, and Automated Remediation into their delivery processes.

Keptn quality gates provide you with a declarative way to define the quality criteria of your service. Therefore, Keptn will collect, evaluate, and score those quality criteria to decide if a new release is allowed to be promoted to the next stage or if it has to be held back and that's one of many other great features to be highlighted today by Andreas in this episode.

In this episode, Keptn maintainers will walk you through the most common use cases, show you how you can get started with your first project and how Keptn enables you to scale these practices across all projects in your enterprise. Grab your favorite ☕️☕️☕️ and enjoy the episode .