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From YouTube: SLO Driven Engineering: from Dev to Prod


Google’s SRE Book popularized the concept of Service Level Objective (SLO) and the SLO-driven approach. But what does it really mean to make SLO driven decisions? How can we generate observability and synchronize teams around joint SLOs? And how can we automate SLOs and integrate them into the software release pipeline?

In this episode I’ll host Andreas Grabner. We’ll discuss the SRE practices, and how to automate SLO from dev all the way to prod. We’ll talk about the open source efforts to standardize the process under the Continuous Delivery Foundation, and about Keptn, the new CNCF open source project that promises to help with this automation.

Andreas Grabner (@grabnerandi) has 20+ years of experience as a software developer, tester and architect and is an advocate for high-performing cloud scale applications. He is a contributor and DevRel for the CNCF open source project keptn ( Andreas is also a regular contributor to the DevOps community, a frequent speaker at technology conferences and regularly publishes articles on or medium. In his spare time you can most likely find him on one of the salsa dancefloors of the world.

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