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From YouTube: Scaling performance test execution & analysis


Roman Ferstl (Triscon-IT) joins this Keptn user group to share their lessons learned and best practices on how to scale performance testing.

music by Roman Heuser - Spirit's Creek​

Some questions that Roman answered as part of Q&A:
- You mention memory leak testing - based on your experience - do you need large-scale tests that run for hours - or can we also detect memory leaks as part of delivery like you show today with Keptn?
- You talk about reusing functional tests - can you elaborate? Does it mean you just drive that functional testing tool with many “virtual users”? Or are you converting these scripts to the load testing tool script language?
- What are your best practices for defining the thresholds for your performance metrics you showed in your slide? Do you define them as a performance team? Or is this something that comes from the development teams?
- On your load testing dashboard you have a lot of metrics - do you have best practices on which metrics to include when running these tests? Do you have any template dashboards for different type of applications?

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