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From YouTube: Knative Demo: Lightweight Deployments with Knative and K3s | Anais Urlichs


#Knative #OpenSource

How many resources does your application require? How much time do you spend optimising those? There are several use cases, in which we want to keep our deployment as lightweight as possible, either because our application does not require much or because our use case is resource constraint to begin with.

In those situations, K3s provides a lightweight alternative to other Kubernetes distributions; combined with Knative, we can optimise the start time, simplicity of our operation and reach a lightweight footprint that helps us minimise costs.

In this talk, Anais will showcase setting up Knative on a K3s cluster and utilise Prometheus to monitor our deployment.

Anaïs is a Site Reliability Engineer at Civo, a cloud computing company based on Kubernetes. When she is not advocating DevOps best practices, she runs her own YouTube Channel centered around cloud native technologies. Before transitioning to the cloud native ecosystem, Anaïs helped blockchain projects scale and find adoption. As CNCF ambassador, her passion lies in making tools and platforms more accessible to developers and community members.
Meetup recorded April 28.