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From YouTube: Template Toolkit - Lisette Scheer, Barbara Glassford Johnson



Chat logs:
01:27:30 Wally DesChamps: Are these notices HTML or the standard "blah" format?
01:29:36 TJ Rutkowski: Where to you put the TT code?
01:31:30 TJ Rutkowski: Do I need to have TT enabled on the my server? Or, is this part of Koha (that I never saw before 😁)?
01:32:19 TJ Rutkowski: 👏🏼 Cool, thanks!
01:32:55 George Williams - NEKLS: Due and predue digests can't use template toolkit for item or biblio information
01:33:46 George Williams - NEKLS: Yes - [anglebrackets]items.content[anglebrackets] is the only way to include information about an item or biblio in due digest or predue digest
01:33:49 Barbara Johnson: And I'm pretty sure that you can combine Template Toolkit code with the hungry alligators code
01:34:25 George Williams - NEKLS: You can use template toolkit for Library and borrower information in due and predue, but you can't use any template toolkit biblio information
01:43:18 Wally DesChamps: Is there a way to "see" the results of this before sending it "live?"
01:47:41 George Williams - NEKLS: That's cool
01:48:19 Daniel Gaghan (PPLD): was the ISSUEQSLIP he notice that we used be able to test notices with?
01:54:51 Heather Hernandez (she/her): I like the "replacement cost" inclusion, too.
01:54:59 Hall Library: on the manga example, would it be possible to have the volume number ($n) display next to the title rather than behind the call number?
01:57:13 Fred King: When I did overdues (by hand, in the early 1980s) our third notice was a bill. I looked up the long-overdue titles in Books in Print, added a processing fee, and sent the borrower a total.
02:02:28 Heather Hernandez (she/her): I did overdues by hand in the 1980s as well, and remember the printed Books in Print volumes! And the IBM Selectric typewriter! SO much easier now!!!
02:03:42 Daniel Gaghan (PPLD): Yes, we had that issue with print notice formatting. Is there a bug out on that?
02:04:24 Jenice Tate: We have a notice for our callslips, but it's under email not print. We print them out, we don't send by email. It was setup by Bywater.
02:05:22 George Williams - NEKLS: And there is a way to have template toolkit from the marc as well.
02:05:28 George Williams - NEKLS: But it's complicated
02:05:55 George Williams - NEKLS:
02:06:48 Lauren Denny: where do you map the fields to use them in template toolkit?
02:08:22 TJ Rutkowski: When I use a field, my logic only works if I wrap the fiend in [angle brackets], however your examples do not do this. Any thoughts on if I am doing something wrong?
02:08:27 TJ Rutkowski: Example: [% IF [anglebrackets]borrowers.borrowernumber[anglebrackets] == "3" %]
02:09:00 Lisette Scheer: [% IF borrower.borrowernumber == "3" %]
02:09:12 Jenice Tate: My notice uses the [anglebrackets]
02:10:02 George Williams - NEKLS: There is a wiki page on converting notices to Template Toolkit at
02:12:56 George Williams - NEKLS: If you say "Ex libris" 3 times while looking in the mirror a little bit of my soul dies.
02:16:06 TJ Rutkowski: Thank you!
02:17:07 Fred King: Wouldn't a fountain of apathy be more of a slow leak ending in a puddle?
02:17:26 George Williams - NEKLS: I don't really care what it means, Fred.
02:17:42 Fred King: Fair enough.
02:18:54 Daniel Gaghan (PPLD): Hopefully that solves the issue. If not I'll submit a bug.
02:19:09 George Williams - NEKLS: