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From YouTube: System Administration Special Interest Group - 2/14/2022


00:09:36 Emily Lamancusa she/her MCPL: Hi! I'm Emily Lamancusa, with Montgomery County Public Library. We migrated to Koha in October 2021, but I've only been here since October 2022. I'm teleworking while sick so keeping voice/camera off for today
00:12:58 Emily Lamancusa she/her MCPL: I've noticed that too - at least in terms of line breaks. I've noticed that the preview in the Koha account for all notices has about twice as many line breaks as what goes out through email
00:13:20 Jason (SEKLS):
00:28:20 Andrew Fuerste-Henry: Bug 30250 - Configure when to apply framework defaults when cataloguing
00:28:33 Andrew Fuerste-Henry: Bug 29146 - Default values from the framework should only be applied at biblio/item creation
00:29:38 Emily Lamancusa she/her MCPL: Lucas is RM, I believe
00:31:29 Jason (SEKLS):
00:37:35 Andrew Fuerste-Henry: Bug 31995 - should check to see if the RealTime syspref is on
00:39:43 Andrew Fuerste-Henry: Bug 32565 - Holds placed when all libraries are closed do not get added to holds queue if HoldsQueueSkipClosed and RealTimeHoldsQueue are enabled
00:47:21 Rebecca Coert (APL-VA):
00:48:59 Emily Lamancusa she/her MCPL: Yes, the RT holds queue checks all the holds on the bib whenever it's touched
00:54:11 Andrew Fuerste-Henry:
00:54:48 Rebecca Coert (APL-VA): Reacted to "https://bugs.koha-co..." with 🥳
00:59:22 Rebecca Coert (APL-VA): timestampdiff(year,dateofbirth,curdate())FLOOR(DATEDIFF (NOW(), dateofbirth)/365)
01:02:27 Jason (SEKLS): MarcFieldForCreatorId MarcFieldForCreatorName MarcFieldForModifierId MarcFieldForModifierName
01:02:46 Andrew Fuerste-Henry: helpful stuff:
01:09:22 Andrew Fuerste-Henry: SELECT a.timestamp, b.title, b.subtitle, p.surname, p.firstnameFROM action_logs a LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (a.object=b.biblionumber) LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (a.user=p.borrowernumber)WHERE module like 'catal%' and action='add' and info like 'biblio%' and date(a.timestamp) BETWEEN date_add(last_day(date_sub(curdate(), interval 2 month)),interval 1 day) AND last_day(date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 month))
01:11:17 Emily Lamancusa she/her MCPL: Sharing my TemplateToolkit from earlier too:
01:11:48 Daphne Hoolahan: Thanks Andew