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From YouTube: Advanced Cataloging Editor Tips & Tricks


Presented by Heather Hernandez, Technical Services Librarian at the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center

Chat logs:
00:47:07 mbarr: Hello!
00:48:00 Sue Groshong: Hellllllooooo!
00:52:30 Fred King: How do you get to the advanced editor rather than the default editor?
00:53:40 Andrew: Fred, first make sure it’s turned on with the EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor syspref
00:54:21 Andrew: Then, if you’re editing a record in the regular editor, click Settings and then Switch to Advanced Editor
00:54:27 Fred King: Can you switch back and forth between the two, or is it one or the other?
00:54:39 Andrew: You can switch back and forth
00:54:47 arattler: Does Advanced Editor have to be engaged for editing options to show up on the results page?
00:55:08 Andrew: Koha will remember which you used last (per user and per computer) and take you back to whichever you used last
00:55:30 Andrew: arattler, no, I don’t believe so
00:55:53 Andrew: I think you’ll see those if you have edit record permissions. I don’t recall anything that needs to get turned on to make those show up
00:55:55 arattler: Is that a new function with the update? I've never seen that!
00:56:21 arattler: Oh, I see.
00:58:58 Zahra Gordon: I'm having trouble finding the trademark symbol in the new character map.
01:03:04 Julia Robbins: If a subfield isn’t in a section and t to add it, how do I do that easily in Basic?
01:03:11 Fred King: Thank you! I almost understood that. :-)
01:05:38 John Edward Sterbenz: Is it the selection of framework that governs what happens in the basic editor re: repeatability, etc?
01:06:10 Andrew: Julia, if the subfield you want doesn’t pop up when you expand the tab, then you’ll need to enable that field in your framework
01:06:17 Barbara Johnson: Try using ALT+0153 for trademark. ALT+0169 for copyright.
01:06:40 Andrew: John, yes, your framework defines repeatability and what’s mandatory
01:06:56 Andrew: In both the basic and advanced editors
01:07:28 Fred King: Barbara, I remember that from DOS. I wasn't sure it still worked. Thanks!
01:13:46 Zahra Gordon: Could you please demonstrate adding a character using the new character map?
01:14:36 Sue Groshong: RE: RDA 3XX macroI'm assuming this works for records that don't currently have the 3XX fields. What if the record has the 3XX but they're wrong. Can you create a macro to edit/update or do you need to do batch modification or ?
01:15:20 Julia Robbins: Perfect, thanks
01:18:16 Leanne Cooper: to do authority checks in Koha…you need to have downloaded authority files correct ?
01:18:17 DJayawardena: Hi Heather- if you can cover how to add images (saved pictures) to appear on the side of the record. Hope my question is clear. this is if you are adding them manually. (not related to what you are covering, so my apologies)
01:20:37 Bruce Metcalf: I need a lot of diacritical characters, is there a character map that can be applied?
01:20:48 Zahra Gordon: There's supposed to be a new map for foreign language diacritics and other too?
01:26:13 Andrew: Ooooo, I haven’t played with the virtual keyboard. Cool!
01:26:50 Fred King: Me neither. Oooooh!!
01:27:14 Zahra Gordon: Is the 19.11 documentation currently updated for the new deatures
01:27:32 Andrew: Macro storage bug:
01:27:34 Heather:
01:29:34 felicia.t.martin: What exactly is elastic search?
01:30:27 Andrew: All the blog entries!
01:30:32 Andrew:
01:30:37 Andrew:
01:32:22 felicia.t.martin: Thanks Andrew!
01:32:44 Fred King: Note: if you're going to fiddle around with the settings, make a backup/test system and fiddle around on that.
01:33:12 Andrew: Always a good idea!
01:33:15 Fred King: (I'm my own sysadmin, BTW)
01:35:23 Bruce Metcalf: I've already learned enough today to keep me busy for a while!
01:35:31 Fred King: Me too.
01:35:38 Leanne Cooper: Thanks so much!