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From YouTube: Part 7/8 - Publish: 8-Part APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in the Red Hat Openshift


APISecOps - Insomnia, Kong Konnect, Tekton - on ROSA

Part 7 of 8 Kong Partner Engineering's APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in the Red Hat Openshift Ecosystem: Publish API to Konnect-Dev Gateway Environment

In part 7 we execute the final pipeline and finish step 4 of our devops procedures.

Follow along in GitHub:

4. Publish API to Konnect-Dev Gateway Environment
Publish API to Dev Gateway Env

This pipeline is for the Operations Personas

The development team has deployed the disputes microservice to its dev environment, and now ready to allow others to consume the API, this means publishing the API to the konnect dev gateway instances and document the API Service Hub. This pipeline will:

Prepare deck config for dev environment.
Add the Service Hub tag to the deck config.
Prepare a APISpec for the Dev Portal
Remove any plugin references
Correct the server reference to point at the konnect-dev gateway loadbalancer
Deck sync to the Konnect Control Plane.


Now that the API spec has been synced/published to the Konnect control plane you can validate via Insomnia that the gateway is exposing the API's correctly.

For the dev environment, the gatey configuration has been setup to proxy requests to the dispute microservice running in the disputes-dev namespace.

Open the Debug Tab in Insomnia
Change to the Konnect-Dev Environment
Execute the disputes requests to validate the behavior. You should see new responses, and possibly a 404 on /disputes/{id} (because it's in Dev and still in testing 😆).

Find all the resources you need in our self-paced demo on GitHub: