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From YouTube: Cleanup and Documentation: 8-Part APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in Openshift | Part 8/8


APISecOps - Insomnia, Kong Konnect, Tekton - on ROSA

Part 8 of 8 Kong Partner Engineering's APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in the Red Hat Openshift Ecosystem: Cleanup and Documentation.

In part 8 we wrap up this tutorial we search for, test and clean up documentation in Service Hub.

Follow along in GitHub:

Kongratulations on completing the workshop! Now its time to delete the infrastructure you’ve created in order to work through the material.

Delete Konnect Gateways

Run the unistall playbook to tear down the konnect gateways deployed on the cluster:

Delete ROSA Cluster

Find all the resources you need in our self-paced demo on GitHub: