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From YouTube: Kong Builders - Kubernetes Ingress Controller: Expose TCP services with Kong


This week, Viktor Gamov will show you how to expose TCP services using Kong #Kubernetes Ingress Controller.

⚫️ previous Kong Builders episodes
⚫️ UDPIngress example and other demos

00:00 - stream starts
01:56 - intro and welcome
04:43 - introducing today's topic - TCPIngress with Kong
08:42 - intro to TCPIngress
16:27 - installing Kong using Helm charts
21:35 - enabling tcp listener in Kong
27:46 - installing iperf server on Kubernetes
34:58 - TCPIngress for iperf server
40:32 - hacking UDPIngress for iperf
01:01:14 - it's a wrap!

Kong Builders is a livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads. We’re taking a hands-on, practitioner-focused approach to exploring Kong’s tools. We’ll build from the ground up - debugging/troubleshooting as we run into problems.

#KongBuilders #Livestream #Ingress #developer #DevOps #Kong #Konghq #coding #live