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From YouTube: Kong Summit Opening Keynote (Part 2): The Kong Journey with Marco Palladino


At Kong Summit 2021, CTO & Co-Founder Marco Palladino explores the journey Kong has taken since its birth, community and customer adoption, and product innovation at Kong over the years. He also introduces the new Kong Istio Gateway. Watch more recordings from Kong Summit here:

▬▬▬▬▬▬ TIMECODES ▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 Why We Created Kong
0:57 Kong's Product Release Highlights
2:35 We're Committed to Our Customers
3:25 Kong's History of Innovation
3:45 The Evolution of API Management
6:03 Announcing Kong Istio Gateway GA

#Istio #ServiceMesh #APIGateway #KongGateway #KongSummit