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From YouTube: Kubernetes SIG API Machinery 20200422


April 22nd, 2020
@liggitt: KEP-1693: Mechanism for warning API clients about deprecated API use
-[liggitt] proposed for beta in 1.19:
-server-side mechanism to send warnings
-server-side warnings for deprecated API use
-client-go implementation to capture/handle warnings
-kubectl implementation to display warnings
-@deads2k request for kubectl option to treat warnings as fatal

Include in GA criteria:
-Guidance for level, meaning, and structure of warnings
what should be a warning (e.g. known bad field values)?
verbosity, formatting, etc
-required for in-tree warnings
-recommended for contributions from extension mechanisms
-Parity for extensions mechanisms:
--API deprecation indicator for CRD versions
--initially: version-level
--eventually: field-level
-Warning contributions by Admission webhooks via AdmissionReview status fields
-A way for kubectl to escalate warnings to errors
-bool flag (not envvar or kubeconfig, not filtering/structured/codes)
surface deprecation status in discovery
-in API resource?
-in openapi v2 as extension?

Notes from discussion / things to consider:
-kubectl get still prefers deprecated ingress version
-maybe inform warning-adders their warning was too late (post-headers)?