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From YouTube: Kubernetes SIG API Machinery 20220907


* [shyamjvs] Make gzip compression configurable on the apiserver (revisit of June 15th)
Switching to compression level 1 looks like an easy win for cpu and latency to last byte as measured by the client
The 20mb/s limit is actually a limit in the default golang gzip compressor
There is a non-standard, parallel gzip compressor that claims 100x improvement in throughput. Perhaps that would be useful to do a CPU analysis on
Adding the ability to specify compressed or not in a kubeconfig was well received
Idea for changing compression per resources -- david and daniel weren’t excited about adding knobs for this.

* [jpbetz] CEL for Admission Control KEP overview (slides, KEP)
How will we allow schema evolution for the configuration?
Secondary authorization check as a requirement for beta? not for a first alpha.
Joe was open to this. Tim Allclair had concerns, but didn’t get a chance to explain in the meeting. Daniel had previously had concerns, but brought up a use-case that would benefit
How is user information accessed?
Will we support a pattern of namespaced resources holding configuration for each namespace like quota?

* [deads2k] P&F 1.26 plans - v1beta3 or v1? (v1beta2 starts deprecation period in 1.26)
We need a v1beta3