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From YouTube: Kubernetes Community Office Hours 20160628 -- Filip Grzadkowski


Office Hours
Kubernetes developers hold office hours over VC where we discuss questions raised on slack or by attendees about how Kubernetes works.

In this video of Office Hours Filip Grzadkowski answers --

dbhanushali - What is the federations_domain_map variable ./cluster/saltbase/salt/kube-dns/

gyliu513 -- Is there are anyway to reduce the size of kuberntes binary? I found that the kube-apiserver is 108M

aps - Is it just me or do k8s unit tests take lots of time to run?

shivania - Are any tools that can help me with inspecting the code.

mgoodness - Is the Kubelet’s read-only port (10255) enabled by default?

andrefcruz - Is there a flag for "kubectl get events" to return ALL events instead of the last X?

andyverbunt - I’ve installed kubernetes on top of docker on my osx machine (for development). Everything works great, but probably once every day, the api server is longer reachable out-of-the-blue. How can I diagnose what’s wrong?

jnardiello - I want to be notified when a process crashes and doesn’t exit gracefully (aka downscaling organically)...

crizcraig - Just started getting ```Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "clari-core-core" with ErrImagePull: "Tag latest not found in repository``` My image pull secret was working previously. Double checked it’s still there and contains valid credentials. Anyone have any idea?