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From YouTube: KCSNA22 - Seeding kubectl bind getting over operators and CRDs as a community


Speaker: Stefan Schimanski

We have CRDs and operators since 2016. Where are we heading as community with them? Are they solving the problems we have today?

We believe: CRDs and the patterns around them block innovation and collaboration in the ecosystem. The problem landscape is not anymore that of 2016. CRDs were never made to connect services of multiple clusters, or to consume APIs of 3rdparty service providers. Kubernetes does not provide the service consumption model of today. The ecosystem has learned to work around this, with lots of toil and complexity.

"kubectl bind" is a vision for a world where SaaS can natively be consumed, without all the complexity of running operators and the immense cost of building them:

$ kubectl krew install bind
$ kubectl bind service

BOOM – we can create resources. Vendor neutral. Native. Nocode. Nopods. Nooperators.