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From YouTube: 20171220 - ad-hoc meeting


00:12:49 jaredbhatti: Keeping meeting notes here: v
00:12:51 jaredbhatti:
00:13:21 paris: Did ihor freeze or is that me?
00:13:29 jaredbhatti: He froze
00:25:53 Zach Corleissen: We're migrating the blog into the docs repo website, and we're figuring out how to automate review of blog content without passing it through the main SIG-Docs review cycle.
00:26:02 Zach Corleissen: TLDR: +1 to Jennifer
00:26:47 Ihor Dvoretskyi: Is it possible to use a separate repo for * subdomain?
00:27:54 Ihor Dvoretskyi: Ideally, we have to use * domain space for the similar content, but avoid affecting the general SIG-Docs workflow
00:29:12 Jennifer Rondeau: +1 to: where content lives, how it’s approved is separate issue from where it’s published
00:30:45 Jennifer Rondeau: Ok ya’ll, time to share my screen
00:31:29 Jennifer Rondeau: I can hear you, I’m having trouble with screen sharing UI, just give me s ec
00:32:37 jaredbhatti: I’ve got to drop. Godspeed everyone.
00:52:57 Ihor Dvoretskyi: +1 Joe!
00:59:05 Jessica Yao: Was it contribX that made the other stats dashboard?
01:00:08 Jessica Yao: sorry, that’s not super descriptive, but I remember seeing a slick dashboard with graphs related to kubernetes contributions (not sure what the URL is)
01:00:16 Zach Corleissen: +1 to Jennifer. It happens at all levels of contributor experience.
01:03:51 Zach Corleissen: "Leveraging the knowledge of the docs team" requires attention/resources from SIG docs. It's clarity about ownership and availability that concerns us.
01:04:09 Chris Short: I'm happy to help too
01:04:22 Chris Short: Especially if it's Hugo