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From YouTube: Kubernetes SIG Cluster Lifecycle 20180523 - Cluster API


10:03:16 From Kris Rousey : bad things happen when I try to record
10:13:06 From Cluster Ops : Can somebody volunteer to take notes here please?
10:31:34 From Hardik Dodiya : , we use master cluster to manage worker clusters, works great !!
10:39:46 From Daniel Lipovetsky : Can someone please post a link to the kubeadm etcd spec being discussed?
10:39:52 From Cluster Ops : yes
10:40:04 From Cluster Ops : Also curious
10:42:44 From luxas :
10:42:52 From luxas : (also in meeting notes)
10:48:42 From Kris Rousey : krousey, kris_nova, robert bailey, and rodrigo are the admins if this break you... I will post something to slack with this regard
10:48:53 From Cluster Ops : okay thanks krousey