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From YouTube: Kubernetes SIG Storage 20170525


Kubernetes Storage Special-Interest-Group (SIG) Meeting - 25 May 2017

Meeting Notes/Agenda:

Find out more about the Storage SIG here:

Moderator: Saad Ali (Google)

Chat Log:

09:05:15 From SIG Storage :
09:08:04 From SIG Storage :
09:08:18 From Luis Pabón : quick question, why was it moved?
09:08:23 From Luis Pabón : To move it to the CNCF?
09:11:31 From Luis Pabón : cool!
09:18:59 From Luis Pabón : i can check...
09:22:30 From Luis Pabón :
09:25:09 From Luis Pabón : TPR are v1beta1
09:25:59 From Luis Pabón :
09:27:00 From Luis Pabón : They are wondering if they should move it from extensions/v1beta1 to something tentaively called "apiextensions/v1beta1"
09:27:09 From Luis Pabón : in 1.7
09:28:12 From Luis Pabón : ....
09:28:32 From Luis Pabón : My recommendation.. create a TPR as alpha.. would be a great way to start
09:32:10 From Luis Pabón : ....
09:33:24 From Luis Pabón : My opinion, with TPRs there is very little need to add things to core. I use them in Quartermaster, and they are great. TPR does not mean that it cannot be in production, it just means that a container called something like "kube-storage-snap" handles does objects
09:35:46 From Ardalan Kangarlou : Should all vendors get behind the same 3rd party resource for snapshot API objects? Otherwise, each vendor may define a custom API object and custom controller, which results in a lot of complexities for customers using different backends.
09:37:14 From Luis Pabón : @ardalan, that depends. There is nothing today that stops vendors from providing that. It would have to be that the container handling the TPR is provided on the normal kubernetes distribution would be the accepted object.
09:38:16 From Luis Pabón : The recommended model would be the most used one. But there is nothing that would stop a Vendor from creating their own controller and attaching to Kube, then provide the customer with documentation on how to use it.
09:38:30 From hekumar : heads up - we are not going to have time left for discussing other items on agenda
09:39:48 From Jason Singer DuMars : +1 for TPR
09:39:57 From brad childs : +1 to TPR
09:41:04 From Luis Pabón : Look at Quartermaster as an example: TPR plus plugins