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From YouTube: Painting a Picture of the KVM Use-cases in the Container World by Fabian Deutsch


KVM is a hypervisor offering strong hardware isolation of a guest from it's hosts.

Containers are now a new software based isolation mechanism for workloads, and it might be a small surprise to see that KVM is surfacing in this context quite often.

In this talk we'll look at how KVM is used on the containers and Kubernetes context.
Specifically we'll be looking at the projects KubeVirt, Katacontainers, gVisor, and virtlet, to understand how KVM is used by them to support certain use-cases.


Fabian Deutsch
Red Hat

Fabian Deutsch is working at Red Hat and used to be much more active in the Fedora community as he is today, worked on the oVirt project for a few years, and is now involved in KubeVirt. In the past he had the opportunity to speak at several conferences (KubeCon, oVirt workshops, FrOsCon, LinuxCon, and