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From YouTube: Meshery Dev Meeting (Jan. 11th, 2023)


Agendas of Today’s Meeting:

[Ashish] - Demo/Updates on Meshmodel API endpoints #6849
Few REST docs need to be updated
Switch from bool to string query params for order and search
Add asc,desc on order with sort
Add search on model level
[Antonette] - Fast tracking Next.js 13 upgrade 6865
[Abhi] SVG scaling problem in safari and steps to erradicate it
Introduce consistency by reverting this PR.
When an icon is used directly from the libraries like MUI or font-awesome or something else, always specify the height and width prop.
Repeat these changes on the existing and newer svg components
[Ebi] Improve mesheryctl pattern list error message PR #6851
[Nithish] -
[Abdullah] -
[Harkirat] - remove the description for additional fields. #6861
[Ashish] Call for participants in CI call

[Deepak]- update on the discussions-data-files-update workflow

[Pranav Patil] - “fixing broker and mesh sync hyperlinks ”

[Gopi Vaibhav] - Github Actions to tweet PR

[Harshit] - Dark Mode

[Subedy] - Latest Discussion post on integration

[Uzair] - GraphQL Subscriptions

Subscriptions for Telemetry PR #6868
Dashboard doesn’t update on detection of new K8s components
[Gaurav] - Snackbar/toaster use design system

[Ashish] - Cloud Events proposal in messaging framework

REST → Graphql migration for /api/events after finalizing event format
[Eeshaan] - Discuss Forum LeaderBoard

Initial Data
Parameters to be considered while making the leaderboard
[Deepesha] Writing program

[Franklin] - Discuss active user section on meshery cloud