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From YouTube: Meshery Dev Meeting (Oct. 5th, 2022)


Meshery Development Meeting (September 28th, 2022)

[Pranav] Meshery Docker Extension (Docker Hub, Layer5) - Bangalore Docker Meetup
GitHub Issues Hacktoberfest meetup - #6251 #6255
[Ruturaj] [Server] Backend for catalog for local provider
For publishing the applications publicly the user’s public design can be linked to their member profile.

[Cyrine] Troubleshooting Toolkit
[Antonette] Go1.19 upgrade
meshery-operator is partially done
meshery-kuma is awaiting review from me
meshery-linkerd has some failing tests which I need to check to see
meshery-osm should be good to go, but has some failing tests for me to check
meshery-adapter-library is done, awaiting approval
meshery-cilium is done and awaiting approval to be merged
meshery-traefik-mesh needs to be merged
Meshery will be the last one for me to upgrade to Go 1.19
meshery-cloud, meshery-consul, meshkit, meshsync, meshery-istio, and meshery-nginx-sm are completed at this time
If there are any others, please bring it to my attention so I can start working on it
[Nishant] Collaboration Phase 1
[Pranav] Beginner friendly issues related to adapter bug on dashboard #issue6245
[Abhi] GraphQL Subscription Connection issue Fixes from client [#6244]
[Abhi/Gaurav] Need for e2e tests (contributor guide) of designs, applications and filters [Hacktoberfest]
[Abhi/Gaurav] Need for tests for
Design Import
Design Delete (single/multiple)
Create Design
Workload validations

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