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From YouTube: Meshery Dev Meeting (Sept. 14th, 2022)


Meshery Development Meeting (September 14th, 2022)

[Cyrine] [Helm] Restructure Meshery and Meshery operator Helm Charts #6212
Two commands to install Meshery - not quite as nice as a single command, but…
[Ashish]Demo operator installation/uninstallation #214
[Kanika] [UX] Update page design to incorporate MeshMark
[Abhi] RJSF Form refinement for Object-field-templates.
[Abhi] eslint Fixtures in Meshery UI [issue]
[Abhi] Meshery Extension e2e Tests
[Alpha] Removal of k8s manifests in “system update” #6197
[Yash/Gaurav] Meshery v0.7.0 Planning
Refactoring Meshery UI: meshery-ui-restructuring | How to contribute
Volunteer Needed: v0.7.0 Roadmap feature champion assignment refresh
[Gaurav] Fixed E2E Mehsery UI tests PR
Call for volunteers for Cypress E2E in Meshery. [Docs]
Filters Tests are disabled temporarily. [Issue]
Volunteer for #6215 ( good-first-issue)
[Lee] Multi-cluster: Allow users to specify Meshery Broker endpoint manually.
[Lee] Operational Modal UX design review.
[Lee] Kubernetes Connection States design spec review.
In Meshery v0.6.0, connections that Meshery established to Kubernetes clusters, Prometheus, and Grafana are automatically discovered, and registered for use.
Looking ahead to v0.7.0, the following finite state machine is proposed to track different states of Kubernetes connections, specifically, and allow users more control over whether the discovered infrastructure is to be managed or not (registered for use or not).
[Subedy] Discussion on Integration test failing
[Uzair] Fix inconsistency between K8s context switcher and settings page #6205
[Pankaj] Unable to reproduce issue #5850
[Pranav] Update dictionary in Meshkit PR#213

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