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From YouTube: CNCF SIG Network Intro & Deep-Dive - Lee Calcote, Layer5


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CNCF SIG Network Intro & Deep-Dive - Lee Calcote, Layer5

“It’s the network!” is the cry of every system administrator, every developer. With the increased prevalence of microservice-based distributed systems, it’s true - networking as a discipline has never been more critical in the efficient operation of cloud native deployments. Networking primitives, including load balancing, observability, authentication, authorization, policy, rate limiting, QoS, mesh networks, legacy infrastructure bridging, and so on are now receiving substantial development and investment throughout the industry and are the subject of focus of the CNCF Network SIG. Join this talk for an intro to the SIG, its charter and a deeper discussion of current cloud native networking topics being advanced in this SIG. Current CNCF projects in-scope: CNI, CoreDNS, Envoy, gRPC, Linkerd, NATS, Network Service Mesh.