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From YouTube: Magento MSI Open Demo. February 2, 2018


1. @roma-glushko will show you Priority of SourceStockLinks - which we need for Source Selection algorithm implementation. To make a choice from which source is better to make a delivery
2. @Stepan Furman will present validation he added for SourceStockLinks. And rules he added (not possible assign Default Source to Non Default Stock)
3. @roman.kis “Min Quantity” Configurable Option and “Can Manage Stock” Configurable Option adaptation for MSI
4. @joshcarter modularity for CE. To make possible deliver all extensions point into Magento CE. Implementation of StockItem importer
5. @Alexandr Kozyr will present bug fixing made during Kharkiv contribution day
6. @iminiailo present mockup of Design, how the product editing page will look like with MSI
7. @jstennett update about MFTF (new functional framework) test coverage for MSI