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From YouTube: My experience as a first-time contributor to CLI for Microsoft 365


In this 15-minute developer-focused demo, Nico De Cleyre shares his personal step-by-step experience that includes practical guidance and tips to viewers on how to contribute at many levels. Creating your local playground, creating a fork, identifying good first issues and types of issues, getting the green light to work on the issue, writing a command, creating a PR and PR approval. The chance to work with maintainers and yes, the sense of addiction you may experience in the process!

This PnP Community demo is taken from the Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework Bi-weekly sync call recorded on December 29, 2022.

Demo Presenter
• Nico De Cleyre (Ordina Belgium) | @NicoDeCleyre

Supporting materials
• Community - Discord – CLI for Microsoft 365 |
• PnP Repo - CLI for Microsoft 365 |
• Repo - CLI for Microsoft 365 |
• Article - Getting started testing your Microsoft 365 CLI contributions - Martin Lingstuyl |

Learn more
• Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery -
• Microsoft 365 Platform Community in YouTube -
• Microsoft 365 Platform Community -