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From YouTube: Viva Connections extension with user presence status using Microsoft Graph Presence API and SPFx


In this 10-minute developer-focused demo, Yves Habersaat delivers an introduction to the Graph Presence API, API methods, presence sessions, presence sessions with SPFx, a setPresence method example, and suggestion to use Graph Explorer to experiment with API. This ACE demonstrates how to use the Presence Graph API endpoints (beta) to set and retrieve a presence status message for a user. Set/update a user’s presence – their availability and a message to viewers. Sample contains wide range of capabilities.

This PnP Community demo is taken from the Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework Bi-weekly sync call recorded on March 23, 2023.

Demo Presenter
• Yves Habersaat (Sword Group) | @yhabersaat

Supporting materials
• Sample - BasicCard-StatusMessage |
• Tool – Graph Explorer |

Learn more
• Microsoft 365 Unified Sample gallery -
• Microsoft 365 Platform Community in YouTube -
• Microsoft 365 Platform Community -