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From YouTube: Docker Containers & Dark Matter: Overview Of the Spin Container Platform with Highlights from LZ


Presented by Cory Snavely, Quentin Riffard, & Tyler Anderson
May 27, 2020

Spin is a container-based platform at NERSC designed for deploying science gateways, workflow managers, databases, API endpoints, and other network services to support scientific projects. Spin leverages the portability, modularity, and speed of Docker containers to allow NERSC users to quickly deploy pre-built software images or design their own. The underlying Rancher orchestration system provides a secure, managed infrastructure with access to NERSC systems, storage, and networks.

One project making use of Spin as part of its engagement with the Superfacility project is the LZ Dark Matter Experiment, which is preparing to operate a 10-ton, liquid-xenon-based detector a mile underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. The collaboration of some 250 scientists and 37research institutions is busily readying the detector and associated software and data systems.

Services that will run in Spin to support the LZExperiment range from databases to data transfer monitoring and have been exercised during mock data challenges. In this demonstration, NERSC staff will give an overview of the Spin platform and show how a simple service is created in a few seconds. LZ staff will then describe the science of dark matter detection and give an overview of their work in Spin so far, focusing on the Event Viewer, a science gateway that allows researchers to examine significant detector events.