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From YouTube: Bridging the Designer-Developer Gap, PWA Edition - Antoinette Janus, PBS Kids


Bridging the Designer-Developer Gap, PWA Edition - Antoinette Janus, PBS Kids

Progressive web applications are all the rage. React, Vue, and Angular dominate the developer field. Recently, Safari announced support for web manifests in their browser, Chrome support pre-existing the announcement. Job postings require developers to know some level of a web application framework. With all of the mentioned buzz around PWAs, developers strive to include these technologies. Problems lie when communicating this excitement and necessity to designers. This panel shares knowledge about what a PWA is, why they matter, and further why they matter to designers. This talk covers the broad strokes of performance (such as first paint, asset management), a brief walkthrough of a web manifest in terms of a designer, and how website audits (such as lighthouse, sonarwhal) are mutually beneficial to both designers and developers.

Antoinette Janus
PBS Kids
Software Engineer
Woodbridge, Virginia
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Antoinette Janus is a Software Engineer at PBS Kids. Outside of work, she is working on multiple projects, including a headless WordPress x React client portfolio rebuild, Daily_ToDo (Electron x React), and many small-scale projects including her Zelda Music Maker ( While she has no conference speaking experience, she co-organizes and regularly presents at CodePenDC, has previously presented at DC's API meetup, and multiple other JavaScript meetups.