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From YouTube: Designing Accessibility for Other Developers- Sarah Higley, SitePen


Designing Accessibility for Other Developers- Sarah Higley, SitePen

The moment you step into any large project or open source venture you must accept that code you write will be used in ways you did not originally intend. Part of creating any good UI library is figuring out how to design it to be flexible enough to suit a range of needs while still baking in best practices. This is especially relevant in the case of accessibility: an area that can be crucial to users but is often overlooked.

Take a journey through an office full of all the developers you never hoped to work with, but will encounter nonetheless: the caveman coder, a contractor here to smash your code until it “works”; the blunderer, a dev who always knows just enough to break your builds; the horde of interns, hired last week to “help”; and finally the inventor: the “let’s just roll our own” developer who will abandon your library if it doesn’t support a host of custom features, plus a pony. Then find out how to hint, nudge, and wrangle them into coding accessible UI components for the good of the web.

Sarah Higley
JavaScript Developer, SitePen
Sarah Higley is a JavaScript developer at SitePen, currently working on developing widgets for the Dojo 2 web framework. She started working on web accessibility in 2014, and now spends an unhealthy amount of time reading about WCAG updates.