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From YouTube: Breaking Down the Monolith - Peter Marton, RisingStack


Breaking Down the Monolith - Peter Marton, RisingStack

"The story of how we broke our Node.js monolith into 15+ services in just a couple of weeks. The talk will focus on what we have learnt during the journey and what technologies we use. This is the tale of how we did this rather than what microservices are in general.


1. monolith and microservices in nutshell
2. advantages of microservices from our view
- well focused service teams, happy customers
- fault tolerance
- distributed responsibility
- improving quality
3. disadvantages of microservices-based our experience
-growing complexity
-errors in transactions
-response time issue
4. how we did it
-service team principles
-co-operation between teams
-company architecture changes
-breaking down via proxy
-request signing
-circuit breaker
-event sourcing"