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From YouTube: 5 Things Developers Should Know About Serverless by Alan Ho, Apigee


5 Things Developers Should Know About Serverless - Alan Ho, Apigee

Serverless computing has been the "holy grail" for developers because it lets them just "write code". Serverless is a growing movement that go beyond vendor specific technologies such as AWS Lambda. In this talk, Alan will provide developers and overview of what "Serverless" really means for your organization, and the technologies available to Node.js developers. He will go over serverless options for compute, storage, networking, and show real world examples of Serverless computing from companies like Autodesk.

About Alan Ho
Engineer and Entrepreneur in the field of mobile, e-commerce, cloud computing, and decision management system. At Apigee, he leads developer programs including developer evangelism and training. He also lead product management for Apache Usergrid - the only Apache Backend as a Service (recently graduated to a top level project)