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From YouTube: The Path to ES Modules by Bradley Meck, GoDaddy


The Path to ES Modules - Bradley Meck, GoDaddy

Discussing the process taken in creating interoperability between ES modules and existing node modules. This covers the history of the interoperability proposal as well as some lessons on what ES modules are. We will be discussing largely the how and why of the proposal, not the exact implementation of proposal. Discussion will take an approach of the process, and walk through how the process worked out in one of the first major EP since the creation of a standard way to discuss disruptive changes to node's core. This is a major ecosystem change and is targeted towards a general audience since discussion of the effects of the change on all involved parties affects almost everyone.

About Bradley Meck
Employed at NodeSource, Bradley likes to work on tooling for Node.js and is actively seeking to improve debugging and analysis tools for programs.