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From YouTube: Paper Reviews on Multiscale Representation and Representational Drift in the Neocortex -Jul 12, 2021


We reviewed 2 papers in this research meeting. First, Numenta intern Jack Schenkman reviewed the paper “Multiscale representation of very large environments in the hippocampus of flying bats” by Eliav et al. The paper proposes a multiscale neuronal encoding scheme of place cells for spatial perception. The team then raised a few questions and discussed.

Next, our researcher Ben Cohen reviewed the paper “Representational drift in primary olfactory cortex” by Schoonover et al. The paper shows that single neuron firing rate responses to odor in the anterior piriform core are stable within a day, but continuously drift overtime. The team then discussed the notion of representational drift in the context of Numenta’s work.

“Multiscale representation of very large environments in the hippocampus of flying bats” by Eliav et al.:

“Representational drift in primary olfactory cortex” by Schoonover et al.:

Columns paper mentioned:
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